Disclaimer for OilSkimmerStories site, brought to you by Zebra Skimmers Corp. (ZSC):

Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All stories have been based on factual information, especially with respect to salient data regarding coolant maintenance, oil skimming conditions, and product performance, and customer satisfaction. ZSC has changed or obscured the names of people and companies, at its discretion. ZSC has Case Study Release forms on file, signed and dated by customers, allowing ZSC sole rights to publish and use this information for communication purposes only. All information and depictions on this site are wholly owned by ZSC. ZSC reserves the right to change any or all of the information contained herein at its sole discretion without notice. ZSC can not be held liable for any subsequent inconvenience due to this information. However, ZSC will endeavor to ensure all information is accurate within reason. Discrepancies should be immediately brought to the attention of ZSC in order that we correct it in a timely manner. Copyright © 2004 ZSC

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CoolantMaintenance.com explains the science of oil skimming and metaiworking fluids maintenance.